A subconscious mind reading autocorrect!
Inspired by our boring essays, this autocorrect recognises the limitation of the conscious to express our inner creativity and thoughts. Instead, meet CITS, a quantum entaglement based system that utilises neurological pattern recognition to translate user’s innermost feelings. Whether they want them or not 😈 The major failure is… none, we are brilliant. (maybe where is everyone and where are the tables haha)
github: https://github.com/dylanwz/terrible-ideas-hackathon
powerpoint presentation: https://www.canva.com/design/DAGO0nzWJGg/Wn0tmRDujRrY-zAQO-DyjQ/edit?utm_content=DAGO0nzWJGg&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=sharebutton
screen-recording of it in action: https://www.loom.com/share/365e95786fec41548cf9598718b29001?sid=21118a7c-d43f-49fe-907a-e20789a2170f

Create by: Andrew, Dylan, Ishita, Ivan, Tarushi, Raymond
Socials: @ishita.lives, @tarushinandwani, @andrewasuryanto, @__ifang