BOZO: Quite Discomfort 420s

Headphones that will annoy the sh*t out of you and the people around you.

They are headphones that have speakers facing outwards and on the inside there is noise cancelling material.

It’s basically an annoyance for everyone involved. If you are not wearing the headphones the sound is so annoyingly loud that you would want it to be turned off and if you are wearing it you cannot hear the noise AND you can’t change the volume since the software will not allow you to.
We also wanted to add some more functionality to the headphones to punish the person wearing the headphones since currently the only annoyance to them is that they cannot control the volume of songs. Some ideas were, water spraying, tasers, flashbanging the eyes, constant buzzing noises but UNFORTUNATELY we didnt have time.


Created by: Edward, Dennis, Emily, Erica, James, Kevin